sprout, rise in the am…

Posted by on July 09, 2012
art, photography, the day, wisdom / No Comments

Morning rays wash over the dewy grass and weeds scattered about. A view from its perspective, not much different from ares… just a really still life, I hear plants are master mediators.

Assume your power and right to make this day better than the one before, dwell not on the what if; think what next. Momentum carries you, just like time grows the weed from the soil, and it becomes a flash in the memory of the earth; we, are not much different. Snapshot memories, all we have to be remembered with, and someday lost, and at what cost?

to reach our destiny

Posted by on July 01, 2012
poetry, the day / No Comments

The summer air brings with it inspiration, another short poem to enjoy.

The wind blows a fresh cool breeze that brings flower scent,
her arm around me, safe from abandonment.

Walking together on this path that leads to our destiny,
snapshot memories only remain of who we both use to be.

In unison we step, each footfall in sync yet free,
Our destination may just be out of reach…
yet carry on this path we must, and prove wrong all their ill speech..